Kinesiology Further Reading
The word Kinesiology comes from Latin word Kinesis which simply means movement. Kinesiology uses movement of muscles to assess the flow of Chi, it examines movements of Chi and it moves Chi. One of the first premises of Life is in fact Kinesis – movement whereas static is the state which is devoid from Life. Here in its name is revealed a fundamental difference in philosophy of approach and exploring our body and Life because Kinesiology focuses on learning through living body in present moment rather than learning through observing a static body (cadaver) like mainstream medicine.
Kinesiology as a healing modality has its roots in 1960’s when two doctors of Chiropractic from US John Thie and George Goodheart started noticing that their patients with same diagnosis were presenting the same patterns of muscle disbalance. This led them to explore this phenomenon further and the real breakthrough came after they realized that muscles in Human body are all linked to specific organ via the system of energy channels called acupuncture meridians. This discovery is fundamental to the development of Kinesiology to this date and in helping innumerable amount of people to overcome health problems and enjoy a long-lasting health and well-being to this date.
Many more Kinesiology modalities were developed after that and there is a substantial research and clinical data available to prove its effectiveness in healing.
For some Kinesiology can be at first perplexing for it’s amazing ability to detect and diagnose the root cause of disease in virtually minutes by simply using muscle tests as a main tool for assessment (Kinesiology doesn’t use the word diagnosis). Kinesiology muscle test is a very gentle and non-intrusive test of energy states which doesn’t test for strength or resistance, but rather for the integrity of the muscle. Each muscle in our body is capable of giving a lock and an unlock test/reply, or simply as True and False test. In reality only True is possible as False is a mere lack of True. Having said that the Life and Existence is affirmative, positive, Yesness, infinite and unbound. False as a lack of Truth is negative, linear, dualistic, limited and bound. So, with muscle test one can test the Truth and the level of deviation from the Truth which is called False. To translate that to mathematics it is an inbuilt binary system of zeroes and ones. Today one can express the whole universe as a combination of zeroes and ones which is also the common language of our universe.
If we chose to explore our Human body through any modern or traditional science, very soon we will come to a conclusion that our body is infinitely intelligent system. Our collective Human knowledge admittedly knows very little about our body and Life itself for that matter despite of tremendous scientific advancements of today’s world, and most probably it will never know entirely how it works including innumerable questions which are inevitable. If we just for a moment consider that our body has an average of 1013 cells and that in each cell there are approximately 30,000 chemical reactions in every second of our life, we can easily arrive at a staggering number of 3×1017 chemical reactions per second in our entire body (!), little alone in one hour or entire life. So, what or who is controlling all that? Something which is infinitely intelligent and beyond the dimension of our Human mind function.
If we take a different look at the same matter, from our body as a gross form we go further down to organ systems, than we follow further down to organ, tissue, cell, molecules, atoms, subatomic particles, … Here at the level of subatomic particles we are entering Quantum Physics which still doesn’t explain what is our body made and capable of. It is easily evident that mind operated sciences are only limited with the scale of observation. Paradoxically the level of observation is diametral opposite to the size of instrument (the smaller scale the bigger instrument). To truly understand anything in our Life as a whole we must arrive at the base currency of all and that is Energy. Chi, Ki, Prana, Vital Energy, Bio-energy or just simply Energy for the lack of better word to describe indescribable.
Energy is that basic level which precludes and encompasses all that Is, and yes we are still talking about our body, health and wellbeing, our relationships, job, success and failures, inner and outer world, etc… Energy is the 4th dimension which manifests into reality the palpable and known universe being the other 3 dimensions namely Time, Space and ALL Matter. That same Energy is Chi which runs through our body and supplies and maintains every atom, molecule, cell, organ, tissue, system and our entire body, keeping it integral and healthy. But what directs the energy to manifest our universe? The answer to this question or rather quest is right within us. It is our Intent. If our Intent is pure and unpolluted from ego/mind/intellect concepts and identifications, devoid from negative belief systems stemming from unresolved traumas of past life, this life and our DNA lineage, which then produce inclinations, impressions, behaviours, attitudes, feelings, thought forms and finally emotions then and only then can we achieve True Health and heal our Life in all levels of it, not only physical.
Our body has 428 muscles and each of these muscles belongs to one of the 14 major meridians. Each meridian supplies a major organ system from which it got the name. The 14 major meridians are called Heart, Small Intestine, Circulation/Sex, Triple Heater, Spleen/Pancreas, Stomach, Lung, Large Intestine, Kidney, Urinary Bladder, Liver and Gall Bladder. Each meridian is ether YIN or YANG depending of its function. YIN is a meridian/organ which works 24/7, and YANG is a meridian/organ which works as per need. Meridians are organized in the system of 5 elements, namely Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood. There are also two elements called Ministerial Fire which governs this 5-Element system. The flow of Chi is organized in such a way that YIN flows into YANG which flows into YIN etc. until the cycle is complete. To be healthy really means to have undisturbed flow of Chi in all meridian and Chakra systems. Then the body heals and maintains itself. Kinesiology is suitable for anybody regardless of age, gender, belief system, capable or incapable, etc.
The disease is merely a blockage of energy. Any disease is just that in its essence. The blockage can cause the energy to create an excess or lack of energy. We can say that the meridian is over-energy, under-energy and in harmony. The pain is always associated with an excess of energy. This is inflammation or “it is”. It creates discomfort, but it is not the priority. The priority is in under-energy meridian which is creating all disturbances, but it is unknown because it has no energy to produce pain of some sort. Under-energy is associated with degenerative processes and “osis”. With this there are 3 stages of stress which can be identified, 1. Alarm stage, 2. Adaptation syndrome and 3. Exhaustion. Each of these stages has specific pathological states which can be diagnosed medically. By resolving the energy blockages and harmonizing the meridians our body returns back to its natural state of health.
We have 3 types of memory and they are 1. Past lives, 2. DNA lineage, 3. Current life. We are the way we are now as a conglomeration of those 3 types of memories. So how do we deal with the issues in current Life/body if the root cause is not within this lifetime? The answer is in Kinesiology and its ability to access those memories stored in our energy system and bringing it on the surface for our Awareness to resolve it. Energy/Chi is a dimension beyond linear time and we can have access to all these types of memory through simple Kinesiology muscle test. This is also called Biofeedback system or Bio-memory system. Once we resolve the root cause and move the accumulated energy of past traumas then we heal and as we heal our body heals. Through Kinesiology corrections we take away the energy which was being used to maintain pathogenic pattern which was then depleting Life energy, and we channel it back into supporting of Life for which it is intended. This is achieved by harmonizing energy in acupuncture meridians, Chakras and other energy centres.
Emotions can be simply described as movers of energy. The word Emotion comes from Latin root and it literary means movement of energy or “energy in motion” or simply E-motion. Everything in this universe is neutral, all events, creations, destructions, births and deaths, energy, they are all in its nature neutral. The conflict starts when we judge that neutrality, and we judge it in accordance to our belief systems. If we subscribe to smallness of our limited mind then we create low frequency emotions such as shame, guilt, apathy, depression, grief, fear, anxiety, anger, rage, jealousy, desire. Our view of the world is then perceived through that filter. If we subscribe to our Greatness then we create a high frequency states such as courage, neutrality, reason, will, peace, love, abundance, enlightenment. Due to our deep rooted traumas stored in the above mentioned 3 types of memories we develop survival patterns which consume a lot of our own Life energy. Survival patterns feed our behaviours and life attitudes which then create feelings. Feelings then give rise to thoughts with which we identify with in error. Once we establish identification with those thought patterns, we finally produce reaction of our body which is normally neutral and as such healthy. That reaction is an emotion. The emotion, being of low frequency, produces disturbance in our energy system of meridians and Chakras and puts our body into compensation. Now that the energy disturbance is established our body goes into a state called Functional Disease. Functional disease is a disease in forming which is not presenting symptoms and signs but it is going in that direction given some prolonged time in that state.
As there are an infinite number of manifestations in our universe equally the same one energy disbalance can produce infinite number of conditions. As we are limited to one physical body the physicality of it is well known. One thing which is valuable to point out here is an observation of the nature. Most of us entered a healthy body at the beginning of our life. Yet our body is increasingly sicker which is paradoxical to our development on this planet. Animals, the ones which don’t mix with humans, are always healthy and need nothing external beyond their natural habitat and existence to survive. It is only that humans are sick. With the complexity of ego/mind/intellect driven world we’ve seen humans departing from their nature and falling sick. With research into human body and nature one concludes that our body is not sick, but our ego/mind/intellect concept of wrong identifications with outer “things” and linear time. To be healthy is also to be nature. To be nature is to be enlightened. Human Beings suffer from ignorance of identification with false reality of duality, concepts, and preconceived ideas about who they are. Our essence, the Source is the Unmanifest which is beyond any knowledge, words, concepts and ideas.
As we heal our Life and every cell in our body we as individuals of ourselves rise our frequency as Human Beings and heal our society, nation, social groups and our world as a whole. We can not heal our world by forcing it. We can only empower it through work on ourselves and that is the most profound way to contribute to our ailing Mankind. Empowerment through transformation and evolution of our Consciousness.
Kinesiology in this respect is very powerful tool not only in healing us Humans but also our environment. Through raised awareness about ourselves we begin to respect all that Is, all creations of Universe come from the same Source and that is Love. All beings, animals, creatures, insects etc are here for the same purpose, to experience and perceive this very creation of the Universe and progress. In our Human experience we come to a conclusion that we are all one and that the separation creates the world of duality as a case of mistaken identity. There is only One I. There is I in me and the same I in you and in all forms of our existence. Having said that it is possible to use our own muscle test to find disbalances and treat the same equally the same in plants and animals.
Once we achieve balance there is always a challenge how to maintain that state. There are 5 basic pillars of health which one should try to fulfil in everyday life and they are:
Food – living and light, not dead and heavy. Our body functions on food which is plant based, vegan food. This food is the first transformation of light. By eating plants we stimulate their growth. Feed animals, don’t kill them, they are not our food.
Water – drink plenty of clean water. Water is alive and it is the gift of our universe. Respect it. Human body needs 0.3l of water for every 10kg of body weight per day, each day.
Exercise – do exercise because this stimulates immunity and body loves it. Human body is aligned with nature which is economical. There is neither excess nor lack. If you don’t use it you lose it. Sedentary life is degeneration.
Yoga – regular Yoga has proven great health benefits on all levels of our Being.
Meditation/Contemplation – meditate or even better contemplate. Meditation is not always possible in our busy life especially now that frequency of our planet and universe has sped up. Contemplation can be more beneficial in the sense that it rises our awareness by absorbing and imbibing spiritual knowledge of a true elevated and realized Master.
As mentioned above, our universe and its infinite creations are neutral in its nature so it is very powerful to practice the Power Of Letting Go through Acceptance of all that Is. Everything that we perceive comes from the same Source and that is infinite and unconditional Love. The good and the bad, the most primitive and most sophisticated forms of Life are created by that same Love. If we reject what we perceive as bad we are in denial of our own self and our own nature. By accepting everything as is we are allowing the universe to flow through us and we become One with it. Our Greatness is revealed in that as a radical Truth that we are all that Is and our ignorance of that is the very source of our suffering. Look within and not without. Seeker, seeking and the object of seeking is one and the same. We can not find that which we never lost and that is the fundamental change in perception which leads to so called self-realization. We are already perfect and complete of ourselves. Everything belongs to the universe and everything is the doingness of the universe. We are mere witnesses of the process of unfolding of our Life in linear time and our Reality is in vertical time, in present moment in which we are created and dissolved over and over again. If we take the delivery of all that is happening as the doingness of the universe then we are liberated and free from it forever.
One of the greatest spiritual errors in this process is being non-attached versus being detached. Non-attachment is a healthy state as described in the process of the Power Of Letting Go, however being Detached is sublimation to martyrdom, victimhood and resignation from Life and responsibility.
In conclusion to this you can also think of our body as a most sophisticated tool for communication in this reality on this planet, a tool through which we perceive the universe and through which we as a Spiritual Beings have Physical Experience. Our body belongs to this planet and it comprises only about 10% of our entire system. Treat your body with utmost respect and due care so that you return it in the same condition you received it. Your Reality is beyond any dimension, a witness of the witness, the Awareness. Awareness can exist without Consciousness which is only its reflection, but Consciousness can not exist without Awareness. Or as great sages said “I am that by which I know that I am”, that which witnessed this birth and will witness the death, that which witnessed all previous births and deaths, that which witnessed the very first experience of all experiences that created the very first incarnation. That is I, the same I in me and You and entire universe, the Unmanifest, Immovable, Permanent, Infinite, Complete, Ever Present, without beginning or end, One, Tao, Love, God.